Blind Lover

I was blind when I met you
I could not see how bad or good looking you were
All I could do was feeling you in my touch
Listening to your voices, your laugh, your sigh
In my blindness, I had painted you beautifully in my mind
I loved to be with you every day, every hour, every minute
Coz every moment with you was magical
I forgot the whole world
Every time you called my name
Then a yard of spring flowers blossomed in my heart
Butterflies flies upon the flowers every time you kissed me
That feeling called ‘love’ blossomed wildly there
I was extremely happy
My blindness was nothing with you being mine
Then one day my eyes could see
I looked for you, you were nowhere to find
My world turned dark
As I could see it clearly now
There is no you, nor your love
I was blind so did my love to you.
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Dili, 19/02/2018