Completion of My Visit to the 13 Municipalities of Timor-Leste (Part 1)
Last year, 2018, was the year I completed my visit to the thirteen municipalities of my country, Timor-Leste or usually known as East Timor. This may sounds weird as why as native who grow and live in her own country, I could only made to complete my visit to the country’s thirteen municipalities lately in her thirties last year. Thanks to my youth explorer trip during college days and chances of field trip as a non-profit institution worker allowed me to travel, work and enjoy the beauty of each municipalities I visited and I could documented their glimpses of beauty in few pictures I took with my camera.

I am also still a beginner in photography. To mark my not-so-fancy-explorer trip and capture the glimpse of beauty in each municipality I have ever visited, doing photography for me is an amazing medium and one of a relaxing therapy for my longing explorer spirit. Here are pictures of my landmark in the 13 municipalities of Timor-Leste and brief notes of my impression on them.
I am also still a beginner in photography. To mark my not-so-fancy-explorer trip and capture the glimpse of beauty in each municipality I have ever visited, doing photography for me is an amazing medium and one of a relaxing therapy for my longing explorer spirit. Here are pictures of my landmark in the 13 municipalities of Timor-Leste and brief notes of my impression on them.

- Lospalos — Lautem Municipality
Known as the eastern edge part municipality of the country, Lospalos as one of post-administrative has became a place where I spent most of my childhood till my adulthood. The name Lospalos was modified by Indonesian government from its origin name Los Pala (means the garden) in Fataluku language, a main dialect in Lautem municipality. The landscape are mostly flat lands and are predominant with grass field. The city at the present day become quieter as most of its young population are emigrating to UK and Ireland to find job. However, this municipality has a lot of interesting touristic places to be visited, strong cultures and traditions continued to carry on and yet many other stories about its people to be explored and retold. The Lautem Municipality composted from 5 post administrative; Lospalos, Tutuala,Lautem, Luro and Iliomar.
Fataluku is one of main dialect along with other dialect such Makassae, Maka-lero and Lovaia (may already extinct at the present day) but Tetun and Indonesian language is widely spoken and understood. It took 8 to 9 hours one day trip with car or public bus to reach this municipality from Dili, the capital of the Timor-Leste.

2. Baucau — Baucau Municipality
Being a student and living in this city in 2007s, Baucau is popularly known as the second big city in the country and considered second most crowded city as daily movement is seen as active as in Dili the capital, compare to other municipalities. Located at the eastern part of the Timor-leste territory, it is the second municipality people passed by from Lospalos to Dili. The city is also popular for its rocky area dominating its landscape. The Portuguese historical buildings are left among several landmarks in the municipalities and this municipalities also has a lot of beautiful places and interesting stories ad cultures to be explored. The city is also known for it active business activity from its people and religious activities are actively held in the town as the second diocese office located in the city thus become the center of catholic religion administrative at municipality level to cover 4 municipalities such as; Lautem, Baucau, Viqueque and Manatuto. Baucau municipality has 5 post administrative such as: Baucau, Venilale, Vemasse, Laga, Baguia and Quelicai. Makassae is one of main dialect along with other dialect such Uai-maa and Midiki but Tetun and Indonesian language is widely spoken and understood. It took 3 to 4 hours one day trip with car or public bus from Dili to reach Baucau city.

3. Viqueque — Viqueque Municipality
I first time visit this municipality in 2008 and the main city seemed a little bit secluded in the low land and high hills surrounding the landscape of the municipality. The word Viqueque is modified version of the words We Keke (means the eroding water while other local folktale account said it means arm bracelet water) from Tetun Terik, one of a main dialect in Viqueque post administrative. It is located at the south coast part of the Timor-Leste territory and people can reach this municipality from Baucau city or from Manatuto city when coming from Dili. The municipality known to have wider area of grown coconut plants, grow local several varieties of local rices, grow cashew nuts and has some historical places that shares memories of struggles during Indonesian occupation and also beautiful places to visit as well as the interesting cultures and traditions to explore. Viqueque municipality has 5 post administrative such as: Lacluta, Ossu, Uatolari, Uato Carabau and Viqueque. Tetun Terik is one of main dialect along with other dialect such Nau-ueti and Makassae but Tetun and Indonesian language is widely spoken and understood. It took 8 to 9 hours one day trip with car or public bus from Dili to reach Viqueque city.

4. Manatuto — Manatuto Municipality
Manatuto city is the city everyone has to passed by when coming from Lospalos, Baucau and Viqueque city on the way to Dili. Located at the central part of the country, the city is known for the historical places with catholic missionary influence in Soibada, ancient kingdoms historical values to retold, culture and traditions of its people, local festivities especially on its gastronomy. The popular one is Balisaun (salted baby shrimps harvested once a year) and akar babilak (palm fiber pancake). The municipality also known for its popular dance on festival of shrimp harvesting named suru boek dance (taking the shrimps in hand/harvesting shrimps). Subaun is one of the popular thrilling steep hills when passing by Manatuto to Dili, however, other landscapes such as beautiful beaches and hills are along the way to enjoyed. Galolen is one of main dialect along with other dialect such Tetun Terik and Idatee but Tetun and Indonesian language is widely spoken and understood. Manatuto municipality has 5 post administrative such as: Barique-Natarbora, Laclo, Laclubar, Laleia, Manatuto and Soibada. It took 2 to 3 hours one day trip with car or public bus from Dili to reach Manatuto city.
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