Peace is flowing like a river

Peace is flowing like a river.
Like water,
it flows from a high place to the low place.
On its way,
the small and big stones block its flow.
but peace does not fight back those stones right away.
Instead it finds its own way to flow through those stones.
With its streaming,
the small and big stones shift and disperse by their own from where they stand.
Peace continues to flow.
On its way,
Some people came and took it to drink, bathe and water their plants.
Peace is not reduced nor it is exhausted..
Peace continues to flow.
On the next journey,
people block the flow of the peace with solid clods of soil.
Peace does not fight back at once.
But instead peace gather itself to a fresh water pond.
Not long after that,
that pond of water slowly destroy the solid soil that blocks its way and peace finds its own way to flow out.
Peace continues to flow like a river.
It continues to flow to meet its destiny, the vast ocean.
In the ocean,
peace rises into the sky and turns into a cloud..
That cloud shelters the earth from the sun.
While the hot sun continues to burn the cloud. The cloud does not against it at all.
But the cloud instead melted itself and descended to the earth as raindrops
Peace goes down to the earth as rain and rain returns to the earth as a river.
Peace is then flowing again as a river.
Caicoli, 3/2018